
  1. Vácha, J., Pospíšil, M. : A contribution to the question of individual differences in the regulatory balance of the functions of organism. Life Sciences 6: 2251-2259, 1967
  2. Vácha, J., Pospíšil, M. : A contribution to the question of interindividual differences in leucocytopenia after whole-body irradiation of mice with small dose of X-rays. Studia Biophys. 2: 19-26, 1967
  3. Vácha, J., Pospíšil, M.: Individual differences in stress response of mice and their relationship to the differences in radiation tolerance. Medicina Experimentalis 43: 58-63, 1969
  4. Vácha, J. : Matematische Modelle der Erythropoese. Studia Biophys. 21/22: 151-156, 1970
  5. Vácha, J.: The variability of biological functions, its nature and significance in experimental work. Biologické listy 35: 123-137, 1970 (in Czech)
  6. Vácha, J., Kačer, O.: Attempt at quantitative analysis of interindividual variability in stress response of leucocyte levels in mice from the viewpoint of control theory. Biophysik 6:280-289, 1970
  7. Vácha, J., Tuček, M., Handlíř, J. : The current state of mathematical modelling of erythropoesis. Čs. fysiologie 20: 449-467, 1971 (in Czech)
  8. Vácha, J., Tietzová, J., Znojil, V. : The recovery parametrs of erythropoiesis in various mice strains after acuteX-irradiation used as indicators of inter-strain differences in radiosensitivity. Medycyna lotnicza, V. Symp. Space Biology and Medicine, 1972, Warsaw, p. 139-145 (in Russian), 1972
  9. Vácha, J., Jindra, J., Znojil, V. : The cybernetic principles of biological regulation. Biologické listy 37 : 2-11, 1973 (in Czech)
  10. Vácha, J., Znojil, V., Holá, J. : Seasonal rhythmicity of 59Fe uptake into the erythropoietic organs of strain C57BL/10 mice. Physiol. Bohemoslov. 22: 657-662, 1973
  11. Holá, J., Vácha, J., Znojil, V.: Differences in the intensity of incorporation of 59Fe into the marrow of various skeletal regions after acute irradiation with ionizing rays in mice C57BL/10 strain. Acta Haemat. 52: 151-160, 1974
  12. Holá, J., Vácha, J., Znojil, V.: The varying intensities of 59Fe incorporation into bone marrow as a result of its localisation in the skeleton, under physiological conditions and after increasing X-ray exposures. Scripta Medica 47: 441-453, 1974
  13. Vácha, J., Holá, J., Šikulová, J., Znojil, V., Pospíšil, M. : Interstrain differences in the parameters of erythropoietic recovery after an acute sub-lethal X-irradiation and their relation to interstrain differences in radiosensitivity and efficiency of hemopoietic regulation in mice. Folia Biol. 20: 409-418, 1974
  14. Vácha, J. : Blood volume in inbred mice strains BALB/c, CBA/J and C57BL/10 determined by means of 59Fe labeled erythrocytes and 59Fe transferrin-bound. Physiol. Bohemo-slov. 24 : 413-419, 1975
  15. Vácha, J., Znojil, V. : Application of a mathematical model of erythropoiesis to the dynamics of recovery after acute X-irradiation in mice. Biofizika 20: 872-879, 1975 (rusky)
  16. Holá, J., Vácha, J., Znojil, V. : The iron fraction in erythrocytes non-precipitable by trichloracetic acid as a function of the age of erythrocytes in mice. Clin. Chim. Acta 61: 21-126, 1975
  17. Znojil, V., Vácha, J. : Mathematical model of erythropoiesis in the bone marrow and spleen of mice. Biofizika 20: 660-667, 1975 (in Russian)
  18. Vácha, J. : The contribution of radiobiology to the question of the general fitness of an organism. Biologické listy 41: 1-12, 1976 (in Czech)
  19. Vácha, J. : Comments on the systém conception of a multicellular organism. Biologické listy 41: 109-117, 1976 (in Czech)
  20. Vácha, J., Znojil, . : Hemopoietic systém of mammals as an oscillator. National Conference on Cybernetics, Prague, November 1976. Proceedings, p. 386-401
  21. Znojil, V., Vácha, J.: A contribution to mathematical modelling of erythropoietic systém and of its responses to irradiation. National Conference on Cybernetics, Prague, November 1976. Proceedings, p. 415-427
  22. Vácha, J.: Normal serum cholesterol concentration - what does it signify? Čas. lékařů čes. 116: 243-247, 1977 (in Czech)
  23. Znojil, V., Vácha, J. : A theoretical model of the read cell survial followed by means of random and cohort labeling. J. Theoret. Biol. 66: 711-726, 1977
  24. Horký, J., Vácha, J., Znojil, V. : Comparison of life-spans of erythrocytes in some inbred strains of mouse using 14C-labeled glycine. Physiol. Bohemoslov. 209-217, 1978
  25. Vácha, J.: On the problem of frequency distribution of characters in a population and its interpretation. Biologické listy 43: 293-307, 1978 (in Czech)
  26. Vácha, J. : Biology and the problem of normality. Scientia 113: 923-846, 1978
  27. Vácha, J. : On the concept of the normal range. Hum. Pathol. 9: 239-240, 1978
  28. Vácha, J., Dungel, J., Kleinwächter, V. : Determination of the content of heme and non-heme iron in erythropoietic organs of mouse. Exper. Hematol. 6: 718-724, 1978
  29. Holá, J., Vácha, J., Boháček, J. : The preparation of 59Fe-labelled transferrin of high radioactivity for ferrokinetic studies on small laboratory animals. Acta Haemat. 61: 55-56, 1979
  30. Vácha, J.: Regulation in biological systems. The 1st National Conference Biomathematics ´79, Zvíkovské Podhradí, December 1979, p. 163-166 (in Czech)
  31. Vácha, J. : Sources of error in the determination of erythrocyte life-spans. Čs. Fysiologie 28:181-187, 1979 (in Czech)
  32. Vácha, J., Dungel, J., Kleinwächter, V. : A new method for the determination of the content of heme and non-heme iron in erythropoietic organs of small laboratory rodents. Scripta Medica (Brno) 52: 233-244, 1979
  33. Pospíšil, M., Beneš, L., Tkadleček, L., Vácha, J., Velčovský, V., Netíková, J., Viklická, Š.: Chloramphenicol toxicity in radiation disease. Acta Radiol. Oncology 19: 193-197, 1980
  34. Vácha, J., Holá, J., Dungel, J., Znojil, V.: The volume of plasma and erythrocytes in individual bones and in the spleen of mice under physiological conditions and with acute radiation-induced atrophy of the haemopoietic tissue. Acta Haematol. 64: 165-171, 1980
  35. Vácha, J., Pospíšil, M. : Changes in the ratio of sodium and potassium in the urine in stress situations. Scripta Medica (Brno) 53: 27-32, 1980
  36. Vácha, J., Znojil, V. : The life span of erythrocytes in mammals from the point of view of comparative radiobiology. Scripta Medica (Brno) 53: 229-236, 1980
  37. Vácha, J., Holá, J., Dungel, J., Znojil, V. : Distribution of peripheral blood in the erythropoietic organs of mice. Scripta Medica (Brno) 54: 283-294, 1981
  38. Vácha, J., Pospíšil, M., Velčovský, V. : The toxic effect of chloramphenicol in erythropoiesis in X-irradiated mice. Chemotherapy 27: 131-138, 1981
  39. Vácha, J., Znojil, V. : The allometric dependence of the life span of erythrocytes on body weight in mammals. Minireview. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 69A: 357-362, 1981
  40. Vácha, J. : The problem of so/called normality in anthropological sciences, in: Modern Man and His Evolution. Selected Papers of the IInd Congress of the European Anthropological Association, Brno 1980. Ed. J. Jelínek, Brno, Moravian Museum 1982, "Anthropos" Studies in Anthropology, Palaeoenthnology, Palaeonthnology and Quarternary Geology Vol. 22: 73-85, 1982
  41. Vácha, J., Holá, J., Dungel, J., Znojil, V.: The distribution of erythropoiesis over the varous anatomical regions of the erythropoietic systems in some inbred strains of mice. Exper. Hematol. 10: 768-773, 1982
  42. Vácha, J., Holá, J., Dungel, J., Znojil, V. : The distribution of erythropoiesis over the various anatomical regions of the erythropoietic system in some inbred strains of mice. Exp. Hematol. 10: 768-773, 1982
  43. Vácha, J., Holá, J., Znojil, V.: Modelling of internal iron metabolism in the organism. I. Obtaining of experimental data and their preliminary analysis. Simulation of Systems in Biology and Medicine, Prague, November 1982. Proceedings, p. E7-E11 (in Russian)
  44. Vácha, J., Znojil, V., Holá, J., Dungel, J.: The internal iron kinetics in mice. Acta Veterinaria Brno 51: 3-22, 1982
  45. Znojil, V., Vácha, J. : Modelling of internal iron metabolism in the organism. II. Process of modelling. Simulation of Systems in Biology and Medicine, Prague, November 1982. Proceedings, p. E13-F3 (in Russian)
  46. Pospíšil, M., Beneš, L., Tkadleček, L., Vácha, J., Netíková, J., Viklická, Š. : The effect of rolitetracycline and cephalotin on hemopoietic recovery in sublethally X-irradiated mice. Radiobiol. Radiother. 24: 377-383, 1983
  47. Vácha, J., Dungel, J., Holá, J., Znojil, V. : The distribution of the haeme and non-haeme fractions of iron in individual regions of the erythropoietic system of intact and acutely irradiated mice. Exper. Hematol. 11: 714-720, 1983
  48. Vácha, J, Povolný, D.: Phenotypical discrimination of central european populations of adults in sibling species colias-hyale and colias-australis (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca, 80 (2): 96-113 1983
  49. Vácha, J., Znojil, V., Holá, J., Dungel, J.: Iron kinetics in individual bone marrow regions (bones) in mice. Acta Veterinaria Brno 53: 119-136, 1984
  50. Vácha, J., Znojil, V., Holá, J., Šikulová, J. : A comparison of survial (LD50/30) following X- and Cobalt-60 gamma irradiation in several inbred strains of mice. Versuchstierk. 26: 157-162, 1984
  51. Vácha, J. : German constitutional doctrine in the 1921s and 1930s and pitfalls of the contemporary conception of normality in biology and medicine. J. Med. Philos. 10: 339-367, 1985
  52. Vácha, J. : Historical roots of the "normal interval" concept in the light of its interpretation today. Scripta Medica (Brno) 58: 35-46, 1985 (Part I), 58: 419-434, 1985 (Part II)
  53. Vácha, J., Holá, J., Znojil, V. : Simultaneous studies of the changes in erythropoiesis after acute X-irradiation by means of plasma iron turnover and incorporation of 59Fe into erythrocytes in mice. Acta Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis 92: 269-276, 1985
  54. Vácha, J., Pospíšil, M., Holá, J., Netíková, J. : The effect of acute gamma irradiation of the head on the erythropoiesis in various regions of the hemopoietic systém in mice. Acta Veterinaria Brno: 189-205,1985
  55. Vácha, J., Znojil, V., Holá, J., Šikulová, J.: Regeneration of murine erythropoiesis in individual bone marrow regions (bones) and spleen in lethally irradiated marrow graft recipients. Acta Veterinaria Brno 54: 53-59, 1985
  56. Vácha, J., Znojil, V., Holá, J., Šikulová, J. : Relative biological effectiveness of cobalt-60 gamma radiation from the point of view of lethality in various inbred mouse strains. Acta Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis 92: 539-544, 1985
  57. Vácha, J., Holá, J., Znojil, V. : Thymidine suicide assay of exogenous spleen colony forming units: interfering influence of the chemical cytotoxicity of 3H-thymidine preparations. Acta Veterinaria Brno 55: 173-182, 1986
  58. Vácha, J., Znojil, V.: Use of labelled iron for determining the intensity of erythropoiesis on the basis of ferrokinetic measurements. Acta Veterinaria Brno 56: 31-40, 1987
  59. Nečas, E., Znojil, V., Vácha, J.: Stem cell number versus the fraction synthesizing DNA. Exp. Hematol. 16: 231-234, 1988
  60. Pospíšil, M., Tkadleček, L., Netíková, J., Pipalová, I., Viklická, S., Kozubík, A., Vácha, J., Jarý, J.: Interstrain differences in the responsiveness of mice to glucan with respect to hematological effects and manifestations of late damage. Exp. Pathol. 33: 27-36, 1988
  61. Vácha, J., Mikeska, J., Znojil, V., Pospíšil, M., Holá, J., Kozubík, A., Hošek, B. : The fall in the incorporation of labelled iron into the bone marrow during enhanced erythropoiesis: This paradox explained by changes in ferrokinetics and cytokinetics using the model of mice affected by thyroid hormones. Nucl. Med. Biol. 15: 373-380, 1988. Int. Radiat. Appl. Instrum. Part B
  62. Nečas, E., Znojil, V., Vácha, J. : Author´s response. Exp. Hematol. 17: 1054, 1989
  63. Vácha, J., Znojil, V., Seidl, H. J., Barthel, E. : Ferrokinetics and erythropoiesis in mice after long-term inhalation of benzene. Blut 60: 41-47, 1990
  64. Vácha, J., Znojil M., Pospíšil M., Holá J., Pipalová I. : Microcytic anemia and changes in ferrokinetics as late after-effects of glucan administration in murine hepatitis virus-infected C57BL/ScSnPh mice. Int. J. Immunopharm. 16:51-60, 1994
  65. Hofer M., Pospíšil M., Netíková J., Znojil V., Vácha J., Holá J. : Radioprotective efficacy of dipyridamole and AMP combination in fractionated radiation regimen, and its dependence on the time of administration of the drugs prior to irradiation. Physiol. Res. 44:93-98, 1995
  66. Pospíšil M., Hofer M., Znojil V., Vácha J., Netíková J., Holá J. : Synergistic effects of granulocyte colony-stimulating facor and drugs elevating extracellular adenosine on neutrophil production in mice. Blood 86:3692-3697, 1995
  67. Pospíšil M., Hofer M., Znojil V., Vácha J., Netíková J., Holá J. : Radioprotection of mouse hemopoesis by dipyridamole and adenosine monophosphate in fractionated treatment. Rad. Res. 142: 16-22, 1995
  68. Pospíšil, M., Hoffer, M., Znojil, V., Vácha, J., Netíková, J., Holá, J. : Repeated administration of drugs elevating extracellular adenosine enhances the sparing effect of fractionated radiation on hemopoiesis. In: Stanislav Kozubek and Gerda Horneck (Eds.): Radiation Biology and its Application in Space Research. Mutation Induction by Ioninizing Radiation (Intensive Course). Kiramo 1995, pp. 143-150
  69. Vácha, J., Znojil, V. : Genetic architecture of the intermediate traits of common diseases. Scripta medica (Brno) 68: 219-242, 1995
  70. Cídl, K., Střelcová, L., Znojil, V., Vácha, J. : Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) polymorphism and AB0 blood groups as factors codetermining plasma ACE activity. Exp. Hematol. 24:790-794, 1996
  71. Hofer, M., Pospíšil, .M., Netíková, J, Znojil, V., Vácha, J. : Enhancement of haemopoietic spleen colony formation by drugs elevating extracellular adenosine: Effects of repeated in vivo treatment. Physiol. Res. 46:285-290, 1997
  72. Hofer, M., Pospíšil, M., Znojil, V., Vácha, J., Netíková, J., Holá, J.: Elevation of extracellular adenosine enhances haemopoiesis-stimulating effects of G-CSF in normal and gamma-irradiated mice. Radioprotection 32:C1-66, 1997
  73. Střelcová, L., Znojil, V., Vašků, A., Cídl, K., Vácha, J. : Polymorphism within the atrial natriuretic factor gene in essential hypertension. Scripta medica (Brno) 70: 63-70, 1997
  74. Cídl, K., Střelcová, L., Vašků, A., Vácha, J. : Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE): A review of I/D polamorphism in the world populations. Scripta medica (Brno) 70: 81-87, 1997
  75. Vašků, A., Znojil,V., Souček, M., Řiháček, J., Hájek, D., Vácha, J. : A Contribution to the statistical analysis of 24-h blood pressure and heart rate monitoring. Scripta medica (Brno) 70: 71-80, 1997
  76. Pospíšil, M., Hofer, M., Znojil, V., Netíková, J., Vácha, J., Holá, J., Vacek, A.: Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and drugs elevating extracellular adenosine synergize to enhance haematopoietic reconstitution in irradiated mice. Eur. J. Haematol. 60: 172-180, 1998
  77. Vašků, A., Souček, M., Znojil, V., Říháček, I., Cídl, K., Střelcová, L., Vácha, J.: Does angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy have an antiproliferative effect on the blood-forming bone marrow? Exp. Hematol. 26:277-278, 1998
  78. Vašků, A., Souček, M., Znojil, V., Říháček, I., Tschöplová, S., Střelcová, L., Cídl, K., Blažková, M., Hájek, D., Hollá, L., Vácha, J. : Angiotensin I-converting enzyme and angiotensinogen gene interaction and predicition of essential hypertension. Kidney International 53:1479-1482, 1998
  79. Hofer, M., Pospíšil, M., Netíková, J., Znojil, V., Vácha, J: Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and drugs elevating extracellular adenosine act additively to enhance the hemopoietic spleen colony formation in irradiated mice. Physiol. Res. 48:37-42,1999
  80. Hollá L, Vašků A, Znojil V, Šišková L, Vácha J: Association of 3 gene polymorphisms with atopic disease. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 103:702-708,1999
  81. Hollá L, Vašků A, Znojil V, Vácha J: Polymorphisms in transporter antigen peptides (TAP and tumor necrosis factor (TNF beta) genes in atopic diseases. Physiol. Res. 48:S78,1999
  82. Pospíšil, M., Hofer, M., Netíková, J., Holá, J., Znojil, V., Vácha, J., Vacek, A: Pretreatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor reduces myelopoiesis in irradiated mice. Radiat. Res. 151:363-367,1999
  83. Vašků, A., Souček, M., Cídl, K., Střelcová, L., Znojil, V., Vácha, J.: Association analysis of 24-h blood pressure records with I/D ACE gene polymorphism and AB0 blood group system. Physiol. Res. 48: 99-104, 1999
  84. Vašků A, Souček M, Znojil V, Rambousková L, Řiháček I, Cídl K, Střelcová L, Vácha J: Effect of one year antihypertensive therapy with angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor on hemodynamic, hematological and biochemical parameters. Effects of I/D ACE and M235T and T174M angiotensinogen hene polzmorphisms. Scripta Medica (Brno) 72:87-96,1999
  85. Vašků V, Vašků A, Hollá L, Kaňková K, Znojil V, Semrádová V, Vácha: Interaction of five gene polymorphisms at psoriasis. J. Invest. Dermatol. 113:494,1999
  86. Beneš P, Mužík J, Benedík J, Elbl L, Znojil V, Vácha J: Relation between the insertion/deletion polymorphism in the gene coding for receptor associated protein (RAP) and plasma apolipoprotein AI (apoAI) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL). Clin. Genet. 57:309-310,2000
  87. Beneš P, Mužík J, Benedík J, Elbl L, Znojil V, Vácha J: Apolipoprotein B signal peptide polymorphism in relation to lipids and diabetes in male CAD patients. Atherosclerosis 152:257-258,2000
  88. Beneš P, Mužík J, Benedík J, Frélich M, Elbl L, Vašků A, Znojil V, Vácha J: Single Effects of apolipoprotein B, (a), and E polymorphisms and interaction between plasminogen avtivator inhibitor-1 and apolipoprotein(a) genotypes and the risk of coronary artery disease in Czech male Caucasians. Mol. Genet. Metab. 69:137-143,2000
  89. Kaňková K, Beneš P, Unzeitig V, Izakovičová Hollá L, Znojil V, Vácha J: Lack of association between pregnancy-induced hypertension and familial thrombophilia in a Czech population. Prenat. Neonat. Med. 5:223-229,2000
  90. Izakovičová Hollá L, Kozák M, Vašků A, Semrád B, Vácha J: Preliminary report: Endothelin-1 gene polymorphism in malignant ventricular arrhythmias. Atherosclerosis 151:129,2000
  91. Vašků A, Izakovičová Hollá L, Tschőplová S, Mužík J, Souček, Vácha J: An association of three polymorphisms in the gene coding for andothelin-1 (ET-1) in essential hypertension. Atherosclerosis 151:255,2000
  92. Weiterová L, Hofer M, Pospíšil M, Znojil V, Vácha J, Vacek A, Pipalová I: Influence of the joint treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and drugs elevating extracellular adenosine on erythropoietic recovery following 5-fluorouracil-induced haematotoxicity in mice. Eur. J. Haematol. 65:310-316,2000
  93. Weiterová L, Hofer M, Pospíšil M, Znojil V, Vácha J, Vacek A, Pipalová I: Mutually potentiating effects of drugs elevating extracellular adenosine and grynulocyte colony-stimulating factor on erythropoietic recovery following 5-fluorouracil-induced haematotoxicity in mice. Drug Develop. Res. 50:89,2000
  94. Beneš Petr; Kaňková Kateřina; Mužík Jan; Groch Ladislav; Benedík Jaroslav; Elbl Lubomír; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Vašků Anna; Znojil Vladimír, and Vácha Jiří. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism, type II diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, and essential hypertension in the Czech population. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 73( 2):188-195, 2001
  95. Beneš Petr; Mužík Jan; Benedík Jaroslav; Elbl Lubomír; Vašků Anna; Šišková Lenka; Znojil Vladimír, and Vácha Jiří. The C766T low-density lipoprotein receptor related protein polymorphism and coronary artery disease, plasma lipoproteins, and longevity in the Czech population. Journal of Molecular Medicine 79(2-3):116-120, 2001
  96. Bučková Dana; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Beneš Petr; Znojil Vladimír, and Vácha Jiří. TGF-beta 1 gene polymorphisms. Allergy 56(12):1236-1237, 2001
  97. Hofer Michal; Pospíšil Milan; Weiterová Lenka; Znojil Vladimír; Vácha Jiří; Holá Jiřina; Vacek Antonín; Pipalová I. Combination of drugs elevating extracellular adenosine with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor promotes granulopoietic recovery in the murine bone marrow after 5-fluorouracil treatment. Physiological Research 50(5): 521-524, 2001
  98. Izakovičová Hollá L, Fassmann A, Vašků A, Znojil V, Vaněk J, Vácha J: Interactions of lymphotoxin a (TNF-ß), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), and endothelin-1 (ET-1) gene polymorphisms in adult periodontitis. J. Periodontol. 72:85-89,2001
  99. Jurajda Michal; Kaňková Kateřina; Mužík Jan; Unzeitig Vít; Drábková Marie; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie, and Vácha Jiří. Lack of an association of a single nucleotide polymorphism in the promoter of the matrix metalloproteinase-1 gene in Czech women with pregnancy-induced hypertension. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 52 (2):124-127, 2001
  100. Kaňková Kateřina; Márová Ivana; Záhejský Jiří; Mužík Jan; Stejskalová Andrea; Znojil Vladimír, and Vácha Jiří. Polymorphisms 1704G/T and 2184A/G in the RAGE gene are associated with antioxidant status. Metabolism 50(10):1152-1160, 2001
  101. Kaňková Kateřina; Mužík Jan; Karásková Jana; Beránek Michal; Hájek Dobroslav; Znojil Vladimír; Vlková Eva, and Vácha Jiří. Duration of nun-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and the TNF-ß Ncol genotype as predictive factors in proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Ophthalmologica 2001; 215(4):294-298.
  102. Kozák Milan; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Křivan Lubomír; Vašků Anna; Sepši M; Semrád Bořivoj, and Vácha Jiří. Can we predict a hemodynamical effect of malignant arrhythmias from the endothelin-1 gene polymorphism? Europace 2001; Copenhagen (Denmark). Bologna: Monduzzi Editore, International Proceedings Division; pp. 49-54, 2001
  103. Beneš Petr; Mužík Jan; Benedík Jaroslav; Znojil Vladimír, and Vácha Jiří. The relationship among apolipoprotein(a) polymorphisms, the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein, and the very low density lipoprotein receptor genes, and plasma lipoprotein(A) concentration in Czech population. Human Biology 74(1):129-136, 2002
  104. Beránek Michal; Kaňková Kateřina; Beneš Petr; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Znojil Vladimír; Hájek Dobroslav; Vlková Eva, and Vácha Jiří. Polymorphisms R25P in the gene encoding transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-ß1) is a newly identified risk factor for proliferative diabetic retinopathy. American Journal of Medical Genetics 109(4):278-283, 2002
  105. Bučková Dana; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Vašků Anna; Znojil Vladimír, and Vácha Jiří. Lack of association between atopic asthma and the tumor necrosis factor ?-308 gene polymorphism in a Czech population. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 12(3):192-197, 2002
  106. Bučková Dana; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie, and Vácha Jiří. Polymorphism 4G/5G in the plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) gene is associated with IgE-mediated allergic diseases and asthma in the Czech population. Allergy 57(5):446-448, 2002
  107. Hofer Michal; Pospíšil Milan; Znojil Vladimír; Vacek Antonín; Weiterová Lenka; Holá Jiřina, and Vácha Jiří. Drugs elevating extracellular adenosine promote regeneration of haematopoietic progenitor cells in severely myelosuppressed mice: their comparison and joint effects with the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. European Journal of Haematology 68(1):4-11, 2002
  108. Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Bučková Dana; Fassmann Antonín; Halabala Tomáš; Vašků Anna, and Vácha Jiří. Promoter polymorphisms in the CD14 receptor gene and their potential association with the severity of chronic periodontitis. Journal of Medical Genetics 39:844-848, 2002
  109. Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Bučková Dana; Kuhrová Viera; Stejskalová Andrea; Francová Hana; Znojil Vladimír, and Vácha Jiří. Prevalence of endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms in patients with atopic asthma. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 32( 8):1193-1198, 2002
  110. Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Bučková Dana; Kuhrová Viera; Stejskalová Andrea; Francová Hana; Znojil Vladimír, and Vácha Jiří. Prevalence of endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms in patients with atopic asthma. Allergy 57 (Suppl. 73):318-319, 2002
  111. Jurajda Michal; Mužík Jan; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie, and Vácha Jiří. A newly identified single nucleotide polymorphism in the promoter of the matrix metalloproteinase-1 gene. Molecular and Cellular Probes 16(1):63-66, 2002
  112. Kaňková Kateřina; Jansen Eugene H.J.M; Márová Ivana; Stejskalová Andrea; Pácal Lukáš; Mužík Jan, and Vácha Jiří. Relations among serum ferritin, C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Czech population. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 110(5):223-229, 2002
  113. Kaňková Kateřina; Márová Ivana; Jansen Eugene H.J.M.; Vašků Anna; Jurajda Michal, and Vácha Jiří. Polymorphism NcoI in tumor necrosis factor ß is associated with fasting glycemia and lipid parameters in healthy non-obese Caucasian subjects: Preliminary report. Diabetes & Metabolism 28(3):231-237, 2002
  114. Kozák Milan; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Křivan Lubomír; Vašků Anna; Sepši Milan; Semrád Bořivoj, and Vácha Jiří. Endothelin-1 gene polymorphism in the identification of patients at risk for malignant ventricular arrhythmia. Medical Science Monitor (International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research) 8(5):164-167, 2002
  115. Vašků Anna; Špinarová L.; Goldbergová Monika; Mužík Jan; Špinar J.; Vítovec J.; Toman J., and Vácha Jiří. Double heterozygote of two endothelin-1 gene polymorphisms (G8002A and -3A/-4A) is related to big endothelin levels in chronic heart failure. Experimental and Molecular Pathology 73:230-233, 2002
  116. Beránek Michal; Kaňková Kateřina; Tschőplová Svatava; Kolář Petr, and Vácha Jiří. Three novel polymorphisms in the promoter region of the TIMP-3 gene are not associated with proliferative diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Current Eye Research 27(2):91-93, 2003
  117. Beránek Michal; Tschőplová Svatava; Kaňková Kateřina, Kuhrová Viera, and Vácha Jiří. Genetic variation in the promoter region of the basic fibroblast growth factor gene. Human Immunology 64:374-377, 2003
  118. Bučková Dana; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Schueller Marcel; Znojil Vladimír, and Vácha Jiří. Two CD14 promoter polymorphisms and atopic phenotypes in Czech patients with IgE-mediated allergy. Allergy 58(10):1023-1026, 2003
  119. Goldbergová Monika; Špinarová Lenka; Špinar Jindřich; Toman Jiří; Vašků Anna, and Vácha Jiří. Association of two angiotensinogen gene polymorphisms, M235T and G(-6)A, with chronic heart failure. International Journal of Cardiology 89:267-272, 2003
  120. Hájek Dobroslav; Tomiska Miroslav; Krahulcová Eva; Druckműller Miloslav; Floriánová Michaela; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie, and Vácha Jiří. I/D ACE gene polymorphism in survival of leukemia patients - Hypothesis and pilot study. Medical Hypotheses 61(1):80-85, 2003
  121. Hofer Michal; Weiterová Lenka; Vacek A; Znojil Vladimír; Pospíšil M; Vácha J. Elevation of extracellular adenosine mobilizes haematopoietic progenitor cells and granulocytes into peripheral blood and enhances the mobilizing effects of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. European Journal of Haematology 71(3):204-210, 2003
  122. Schűller Marcel; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Bučková Dana; Znojil Vladimír; Štelcl Marcel; Rybníček Ondřej, and Vácha Jiří. The role of the IKAP gene polymorphisms in atopic diseases in the middle European population. Journal of Human Genetics 48(6):300-304, 2003
  123. Vašků Anna; Goldbergová Monika; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Špinarová Lenka; Špinar Jindřich; Vítovec Jiří, and Vácha Jiří. Two MMP-2 promoter polymorphisms (-790T/G and -735C/T) in chronic heart failure. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 41(10):1299-1303, 2003
  124. Vašků Anna; Souček Miroslav; Goldbergová Monika, and Vácha Jiří. Office blood pressure, heart rate and A(-596)G interleukin-6 gene polymorphism in apparently healthy Czech middle-aged population. Physiological Research 52:291-297, 2003
  125. Vašků Anna; Tschőplová Svatava; Mužík Jan; Souček Miroslav, and Vácha Jiří. Association of three polymorphisms in the gene coding for endothelin-1 with essential hypertension, overweight and smoking. Experimental and Clinical Cardiology 7(4):201-204, 2003
  126. Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Fassmann Antonín; Stejskalová Andrea; Znojil Vladimír; Vaněk Jiří, and Vácha Jiří. Analysis of the interleukin-6 gene promoter polymorphisms in Czech patients with chronic periodontitis. Journal of Periodontology 75(1):30-36, 2004
  127. Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Jurajda M; Fassmann A; Dvořáková N; Znojil V, and Vácha J. Genetic variations in the matrix metalloproteinase-1 promoter and risk of susceptibility and/or severity of chronic periodontitis in a Czech population. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 31(8):685-690, 2004
  128. Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Schűller Marcel; Bučková Dana, and Jiří Vácha. Neuronal nitric oxide sythase gene polymorphism and IgE-mediated allergy in the Central European pupulation. Allergy 59(5):548-552, 2004
  129. Kozák Milan; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Křivan Lubomír; Vašků Anna; Sepši Milan; Semrád Bořivoj, and Vácha Jiří. Endothelin-1 gene polymorphism in patients with malignant arrhythmias. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 44(Suppl 1):S92-S95, 2004
  130. Vašků Anna; Goldbergová Monika; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Šišková Lenka; Groch Ladislav; Beránek Michal; Tschöplová Svatava; Znojil Vladimír, and Vácha Jiří. A haplotype constituted of four MMP-2 promoter polymorphisms (-1575G/A, -1306C/T, -790T/G and -735C/T) is associated with coronary triple-vessel disease. Matrix Biology 22(7):585-591, 2004
  131. Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Fassmann Antonín; Vašků Anna; Pávková Goldbergová Monika; Beránek Michal; Znojil Vladimír; Vaněk Jiří, and Vácha Jiří. Genetic variations in the human gelatinase A (matrix metalloproteinase-2) promoter are not associated with susceptibility to, and severity of, chronic periodontitis. Journal of Periodontology 76(7):1056-1060, 2005
  132. Mrázek F.; Izakovičová Hollá Lydie; Hutyrová B.; Znojil Vladimír; Vašků Anna; Kolek V.; Welsh K.I.; Vácha Jiří; Du Bois R.M., and Petřek M. Association of tumour necrosis factor-alpha, lymphotoxin-alpha and HLA-DRB1 gene polymorphisms with Loefgren's syndrome in Czech patients with sarcoidosis. Tissue Antigens 65(2):163-171, 2005